Click image to watch Erik Sermon on Mass Appeal’s “Rhythm Roulette” series
The legendary Erik Sermon made his way to Rhythm Roulette, just because he was such a fan of the Mass Appeal series. He was blindfolded and picked three records from a store in Brooklyn, then went back to the lab to cook up a beat. Erik wasn’t too impressed with his selections, but was still up for the challenge.
He almost admitted he was on the brink of being stumped, even though he flipped a solid vocal sample and 2-second snippet of another record. It was crazy to watch him on the keyboard, staring out into the mental musical canvas of his brain as the wheels turned. Then he scrapped that particular composition and started over.
An OG at work, though. You don’t get to see that every day.
OS REWIND: Rhythm Roulette: Black Milk
OS REWIND: Rhythm Roulette: Marco Polo