Side by Side Comparison of GTA V on XBOX One & PS4

There’s a slight difference

With Grand Theft Auto V out for about a week now, some of the questions surrounding the game have been surrounding the graphics for the re-release on next generation. XBOX One and Playstation 4 fans will always argue which engine carries the better muscle, but now you can see the difference for yourself.

A video with a side by side view of both consoles shows the two are nearly identical, with 30FPS and 1080p resolution showing on both. Until you go out into the wilderness and see a slight difference in the scenery. At about 6:36 in the video, you can see the picture looks more full on the PS4 version, compared to more dense XBOX One landscape.

Of course, trees and a little bit of grass isn’t going to change the gameplay and texture quality of the forest isn’t a deciding factor on which version to buy, but it might give leverage to Playstation fanboys who think their console is superior.

OS REWIND: 10 Reasons You Must Buy Grand Theft Auto V for Next-Gen

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