Written In The Stars: Examining Where Lupe Fiasco’s Erratic Behavior May Stem From


Much like the 12 “Sun signs” govern which horoscope you glance at in the newspaper – are you a Pisces, Taurus, or Leo? – there are other major planets that fall in a specific Zodiac sign’s vicinity when we’re born, and celestial studies explore those relationships. Having your “Moon in Scorpio” is much different than having a “Moon in Gemini,” and so on. Admittedly not an expert like the gawd Susan Miller, studying this ancient world belief-system for almost 10 years has enabled me to break down the fundamentals: each planet has a meaning, and the astrological sign that the planet falls in impacts that meaning. This isn’t tabloid astrology, kids. Soon you’ll understand.

In case you want to take a look at it, Lupe’s actual birth chart is below.

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